A Checklist For Winterizing Your Home
It’s that time of year for homeowners, the cold winds make an appearance and start to put a chill on everything and everyone. You can wait until it gets cold to winterize your home or you can make a preemptive strike and get it done before the snow flies. Either way here is a basic survival guide for winterizing your home.
The outside of your home is a great place to start, things like gutters and window wells can get cleaned out of the yearly foliage that accumulates, particularly during the fall months. As leaves fall they get stuck in the strangest of places. Take the time to scour your gutters and down spouts, clean them out. As water and snow falls it can build up and prevent proper drainage; which will inevitable back up and cause damage to your home.
Water works
It’s important to shut off the water systems that surround your home, things like exterior faucets and sprinkler systems can freeze, causing burst pipes and damage. Remove hoses and bring them inside for the winter so they can be avoid cracks and winter damage.
Windows and doors:
Some of the greatest heat loss in a home is through it’s windows and doors. Seal up windows with weather stripping or other kits designed for preventing draft. Make sure your storm windows are in place and closed as well. Here is a good video from Ace Hardware:
Air Conditioning Units
Ensure you winterize your air conditioning units as well. They will not be necessary this winter!
Exterior Furniture
Bundle up and store that lawn furniture, those hammocks and grills for the winter. If you don’t have an interior place like a garage to place them, wrap them up in tarps and store them in a protected area around your house.
Inside the home
Furnace / HVAC
Now is a great time to get he furnace and HVAC tuned up. Changing filters is a great first step to ensure efficient heating this winter.
If you’re in the habit of using your fireplace during the winter months, a good chimney cleaning is priceless. It can prevent particles from falling down and catching fire, it’s a safety issue as well as a comfort one.
Proper Tools
Ensuring your snowblower is tuned up and ready to go BEFORE the first snowfall is a good idea. Also stock up on shovels and salt prior to the weather getting bad. Most people wait until the first big storm and run to the store, you can save money and be the smarted one of the block with a little foresight.
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