One of the most enjoyable things about summer are the back yard events, what is a back yard even without a fire pit?  But fire pits can be expensive to have professionally installed.  So here are some ideas for DIY fire pits:

Stone Pit

This one is a little bit of work, but the result is amazing.  First you would need the space to complete such a project.  Make sure you don’t do this if you are a renter.

Stone Firepit with Half Wall

Simple Round Stone Pit

A bit easier than #1, and always a classic.  You would need some fire bricks and mortar.

Easy DIY Round Stone Firepit

Multi Purpose Pit with Rocks

A very cool style and cheap to build.

$50 Concrete Tree Ring Firepit

Concrete Cube Fire Pit

If you are handy with concrete this could be a great option, you can even color the concrete or make shapes other than a cube.  It’s a versatile style.

Easy DIY Concrete Firepit Tutorial

Simple and Elegant

Not necessarily the design you want if you have kids running around, but you can mortar and attach these stone bricks so they won’t move.

Fancy Brick Firepit with Benches

I hope you got some inspiration from these ideas, remember, if you rent to check with your landlord before installing anything like this.  If you want to have your own backyard oasis you might just have to be a homeowner….

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