Surprising Ways to Stay Cool This Summer
We just had one of the hottest weekends of the year, if not the last couple years. So it got me to thinking of ways we can stay cooler when the weather is so unforgiving. Luckily we only have a few weeks of this weather, whereas other parts of the country endure it for months at a time. Here are some basic ways you may not already know, to keep you cooler this summer:
Up your Vitamin C intake:
I did not previously know this, but vitamin C assists your body in managing temperature for a longer period of time. So if you get in the habit of upping your vitamin C you will find a noticeable difference.
Houseplants are multipurpose, they provide cleaner air, a nice visual appearance, toys for your cat and of course a method to cool down the house. Houseplants release moisture into the air and eat up sunlight, two things that will assist you in keeping your area cooler.
Sandalwood is used in Ayurveda, it has natural components to to relax and lower body temperature. Consider using it around the house.
Spicy Foods
This one seems counterproductive, but there is a reason spicy foods are popular in hot climates (and this could be it). When you eat something spicy, the receptors on your tongue send a message to the brain that this item is hot. The reaction from your brain is to initiate the sweat glands and you start sweating. This is all done without actually raising your body temperature. It’s a way to sweat without a lot of exercise.
Peppermint Tea
Much like sandalwood, peppermint tea has a component that cools your body. Operating the opposite as spicy food, it tricks your body into a chilling feeling. Drinking and spraying some on your skin will allow cool evaporation that can lower your body temperature.
Coconut milk has the ability to replace lost electrolytes (like gatorade) and cool you down.
Hopefully you can use some of these techniques to get through our humid and hot summer days. If you have any other questions regarding finance or home buying, please do not hesitate to contact me directly!
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Justin Scott
Loan Officer
NMLS 878581
- C) 920-530-4484