When 30 year fixed mortgage rates dropped into the 3’s in 2012 people went crazy, never had they the cost of money so low.  Then in 2020 when they dropped into the 2’s, it created a boom. Home values are at an all time high due to increased demand and a limited inventory.  Sellers have…

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Home sales are a fluctuating thing and the details cannot always be calculated simply by the number of sales in a given time.  People are often concerned with their bottom line, and a decrease in home sales often means a decrease in the bottom line right? not necessarily: Number of Home Sales      …

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The decision to purchase a home is a big one, and shouldn’t be taken lightly.  I would say the majority of my clients have already weighed the benefits and are making the decision based on secure reasons.  But there are the exceptions, the people that purchase a house for the wrong reasons.  I hope you…

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How we live when we sell a house is different than how we live when we’re not.  A good real estate agent will tell you some tips and tricks to make your home more appealing, it’s important to be aware of how potential buyers perceive your home.  When a buyer walks into your home you…

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