The holidays are a mix of emotion, much like buying a house, you’re looking forward to the traditional family gathering, but loathing the endless preparation it takes to executive such a feat.  You’re hoping travel plans go accordingly, and there are no significant “blow ups” when your mother and uncle reunite for the first time in 364 days.

So I thought it might be advantageous to put together this Thanksgiving Survival Guide

  1. It’s not just you! 

    Just because you love to cook, doesn’t mean you have to do it all!  If anyone volunteers to bring something, take them up on it. Try to involve the kids with the preparation, either by asking them to make place cards or table decorations, or clean the house.

  2. Plan your Menu

    By the Sunday before the feast, make a list of everything you are serving, from appetizers to coffee.  Note who is making each of them and when you need to start your assignments.
    Thanksgiving might not be a great time to try more than one new recipe.

  3. Shop Early

    Just like every week, make a detailed grocery list of all food and non-food items, and buy the groceries by Tuesday, so you can start preparing by Wednesday.

  4. Cook ahead of time

    Most of the trimmings can be cooked well in advance of dinner, and then warmed before the meal.  Employ your slow cooker and toaster oven to be able to cook more dishes at once. Even the turkey can be finished cooking (we even slice it!) hours before the meal.  (Just put that Norman Rockwell image of the father cutting the bird at the table out of your mind!)

  5. Get the table and settings ready.

    To avoid exhaustion on the big day, make sure the house looks nice and the table is set before you go to bed on Wednesday.  You can also set out all the serving dishes and label what will go in each.

  6. Keep appetizers easy: 

    Before dinner, serve simple foods, such as gourmet cheeses, nuts, store-bought spreads for crackers, vegetables and dip, and/or fresh popcorn.

  7. Send the kids out for a picnic and sports before the meal:

    This is a good idea because it gives you time to prepare, at the same time your guests will come back hungry and tired.

  8. Consider serving buffet-style

    to make dinner logistics easier.

  9. Take the last 30 minutes off: 

    Take some time to relax before the guests arrive, it will improve your hosting ability.

  10. Give thanks and eat slowly:

    Take your time and enjoy the meal, it’s not about rushing.  This meal comes once a year and the company you keep is the most important part.  Don’t stress, relax.


Thank you, have a happy holiday and remember if you ever need mortgage information; I’m here.


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