Tattoos are a work of art, an expression someone (hopefully) puts a considerable amount of thought and care into before they permanently put it on their body.  You’d like to think that’s always the case,  but we all know there are some pretty bad (and clever)  tattoos out there.  I wanted to round up a few of my favorites:




This was the checkered flag at the Daytona 500 in 2015


Clever or not? Let me know


I can only imagine this person gets bored a regular basis.


That must’ve hurt right?


Is this makeup from a Ridley Scott Movie?


They call him the human passport




I wonder what would come up if you scanned this?


Oh Patrick…


Mesmerizing and clever right?


Receding hairline? I have no idea what you’re talking about dude


He’s # 1


Funky Fresh


I like this, don’t care who you are.


Yay or nay?




So there you have it, 16 Tattoos you could take or leave.  You can’t deny some of the artwork (even if you don’t agree with the design)


As always I hope you enjoyed reading this bit of fluff.  If you need anything mortgage related I am not only funny but versed in helping you find homes.  I have a list of  Loan options here.  That may help you figure out what loan program fits your personal situation best.  If you want to discuss it directly you can contact me via the information below.


Thank you!



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 Justin Scott

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