This time of year gives way to many feelings of charity and giving, so I wanted to share something that many of us feel strongly about.  It’s a tough gig defending the environment, and it can be an overwhelming task.  So I think this challenge is something everyone can get on board with, you can…

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Did you know that interest rates are lower now than they were during the great depression?  That is right, rates are lower now than the worst economic time in America’s history.  So, if you’ve been on the fence about buying a home or refinancing, maybe you should consider acting now. With 30 year fixed rates…

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When  is the best time to refinance your mortgage?  It can be a daunting task to predict if rates will continue to decline, or are you running the risk of them going up? The truth is it depends on you. I’ve seen people who refinanced in late 2019 take another swing as rates continue to decline.,…

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When 30 year fixed mortgage rates dropped into the 3’s in 2012 people went crazy, never had they the cost of money so low.  Then in 2020 when they dropped into the 2’s, it created a boom. Home values are at an all time high due to increased demand and a limited inventory.  Sellers have…

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If you were born before the year 2000 then you will have the ability to talk about the two greatest economic depressions our country has seen in the last 50 years.   We saw the economy tumble due to the real estate market in 2008, and now we’re in the midst of a pandemic the…

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With the recent pandemic taking it’s toll we’ve seen conventional financing at all time high.  This is because government lending is having difficulty getting guarantees.  The government backed loans like FHA, VA and USDA have restricted their credit score requirements in an effort to curb risky lending.  This has caused more borrowers to lean towards…

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With the country in turmoil and “stay in place” orders instilled on almost every state, it has forced certain industries to adjust the way they practice business.  Real estate is no exception to the economic wrath either, with many buyers and sellers hesitant to interact with the public there has been a surge in virtual real…

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The term “COVID-19” is now a household name and will likely be for many years to come, synonymous with terms like “influenza”.  There has been a dramatic turn in the economy and everyone is victim in some way.  Whether your employer is laying people off or adjusting to having employees work from home, it’s a…

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Are you one of the millions who have suffered from temporary layoff / downsizing due to the recent COVID19 outbreak?   The good news is you’re not alone, the bad news it’s happening to many people.  The lenders however are taking a conservative approach to these new economic happenings. Lenders are tightening up on verifications: In…

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Welcome to the day-by-day  world of real estate and lending, brought to you by the Coronavirus.  The unemployment numbers hit 15% and are expected to be at 19% by the end of the quarter.  Forward projections have no real insight as to how long it will last, the only thing we can do is hold…

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