Landscaping is one of those renovation jobs people love to do, mostly because it’s a mix of functional and artistic.  You can really make a difference in your homes curb appeal with some simple adjustments.  Most hardware or home stores sell the materials you need to complete the job (and they even deliver).  The end result is satisfying and gives your home new life.  Here are some basic DIY landscaping ideas you can complete before the snow hits.

Multi-Level Landscaping

Multilevel landscaping gives a dimensional feel to your home


One of the real benefits of this type of landscaping is the dimensional feel.  It gives your property an open feeling concept but also divides up the landscape the way you want it.  You can go big or small and use a variety of materials.

Hacienda Courtyard

Hacienda Courtyard

You can get as in depth as you want with something like this, but it’s typically lighter stone and accent trees with the occasional water feature.

Cottage Style Landscaping

Full seasonal ornamental bushes and trees

You see this style more often in Wisconsin.  Thick ornamental bushes and lilac, growing together to make a plush canvas.  Very easy, most of these plants are sold at your local hardware / home store and can be planted quickly.  They do well in our climate and come back every year for low upkeep.

Walkway Foliage

Simple and elegant foliage to line your walkways

Another common and simple design that works well with most homes, you can plant hostas or bushes to line your walkways and driveways.  It’s cheap and effective.  It goes with the seasons and is minimally invasive, easy to pick up in the fall.

Halfwall Landscaping

Half walls give you a division where you want it

Similar to elevated landscaping, the half wall design will divide your property where you need it.  Giving a raised look you can use where you want.  These go well along the front of houses or property lines, and can incorporate bushes, flowers or small trees to create a border-like appearance.


Lighting is essential if you want to really give the appearance

Lighting is an essential part of landscaping if you really want to display your work.  Even if you have done minimal renovations you will find a couple carefully placed lights will do wonders.  Having the right color and shade of light shining on your bushes or home will light up your property and give it some real curb appeal at night.

The Take Away

Landscaping is a fun way to add something to your property, and there are so many options.  It’s important to research the long term and short term benefits of each renovation.  It’s always a balance of cost and labor, if you need any funding to complete your next landscaping project you can always consider using the equity in your house by applying here.

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Loan Officer

NMLS 878581