How many times have you bought something only to see it a week later for a cheaper price?  That feeling of frustration and regret can overwhelm you to the point you return the item and buy it for the cheaper price from a different store.  It takes time and effort to do. But what if you cannot “return” the item  your purchased?  Like maybe a mortgage?

How frustrating would it be to find out that you could have qualified for a lower mortgage rate  after you’ve already closed?  It happens all the time because home buyers are not aware of their options.

A study done by Freddie Mac shows that over 50% of home buyers went with the first lender the spoke too.  This could be a result of misinformation, or lack of education, but the ultimate cost was between .25% and .5% on their rate.  This means that 50% of all home buyers could’ve saved thousands in interest with just another phone call.  That is a costly mistake, that is why I’ve structured the business differently, instead  of focusing on profit we focus on volume.

Our business model is different

Because we’re a family owned company we treat our clients differently than a corporation would.  We understand that this business is a long term focus rather than a short term gain, by focusing on referrals and volume, we can expect to increase our client base every year by simply giving people what they wanted in the beginning.  A low rate and low cost.  You are more than welcome to see for yourself by signing up for our weekly mortgage rate blast.   Or you can just simply contact me directly here.

How to get the best rate:

Earlier I wrote an article titled : how to get the best mortgage rate , it touched on the basic principles of communication, documentation and professionalism; what it didn’t touch on was what you should do to get the lowest rate.

It’s actually much simpler than you might think, the first rule is to SHOP.  Not all lenders are created equal and I could very well be writing myself out of some future clients; but I feel very strongly that we have a better business model than many of our competitors because we’ve been around for 24 years.   Most people go with the first lender they talk to or their realtor recommends, and many never make a second phone call!  Do you remember that Geico commmercial: “15 minutes could save you 15%?”.  It’s true, a phone call is sometimes all you need to realize that a better mortgage option awaits you.


Be transparent

If you truly want the best mortgage rate, be straightforward with your potential lender.  Tell them you are interviewing several other institutions and tell them what you’ve found.   If they know this you can bypass a lot of the “car salesmen” techniques and get straight to the point.


The take away

The purpose of article was an attempt to educate you as a buyer, to allow you to understand that there are options out there beyond what your friends or realtor recommend.  No one has to pay your mortgage for the next 30 years except you, and how frustrating would it be to realize (too late) you closed on a mortgage with a higher interest rate, or you didn’t need to get gift funds from your family for a down payment?  contact me today and spend 15 minutes potentially saving thousands.

What Can I Do Now?

You can Sign up for mortgage rates here

Read the About me section and learn more about how I conduct business

reviews are a great way to see who you are dealing with

if all that checks out you can apply here

Justin Scott

Loan Officer

NMLS 878581

  1. C) 920-530-4484
  2. O) 920-490-8823
  3. F) 920-490-8967

       Executive Mortgage

      NMLS 271650

 909 . E Walnut Street

Green Bay WI 54301