How to Save Money on Your Rent
Saving money on your rent starts before you even sign the lease, there are a few things to take into consideration to really capture those savings per month.
Choose Your Location Wisely
When you start apartment hunting you should be sure about the locations you choose. There are a few factors to keep in mind while determining the right location:
- Where is your job or college located
- What daily route time is acceptable for you
- How far is the street or neighborhood located from the public transportation.
Balance Your Wants and Needs
When you have to cut your budget while looking for a new place to rent, there is a chance you’ll need to cut your ‘wants’.
Knowing the difference between “wants” and “needs” is the an important step in this process.
Long Term Lease Is More Preferable
Landlords feel more secure with a longer term lease, so if you commit to this you can see a lower monthly rental payment. Understand though that renting does not build EQUITY. Something you may want to start accumulating as time goes on.
Save Money on Energy Consumption
One of the best ways to cut your spending is to save money on the energy consumption at your place. Here are 10 ways to save on heating this winter.
Buy a home
Buying is your # 1 protection against rent, it saves money in the short and long term. People are often surprised how much more you get for the same money. You may be spending $1,000 on renting right now, but $900 could buy a home. You can get pre-approved Today by clicking here.
If you’re looking to rent you can contact me here as well.
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Justin Scott
Loan Officer
NMLS 878581
- C) 920-530-4484