2018 Program Guidelines

NeighborWorks Green Bay has a number of programs that can help provide down payment and closing cost assistance. There are assistance programs available in most of Brown County, and even the entire state of Wisconsin!

All of these programs are in the form of loans that are at 0% interest, with no monthly payments. Some of the loans need to be paid back if you are no longer living in the home, some do not.


  • Total gross annual income
  • Number of people living in the home
  • Location of the property
  • Availability of funds

Common program requirements are:

1. All program assistance is dependent on availability of funds.
2. You DO NOT have to be a first time buyer.
3. The property must remain owner occupied in all cases.
4. Buyer must contribute a minimum of $1,000 of their own money into the purchase transaction.
5. Buyer must complete the Homebuyer Education Course/Counseling that is offered through NeighborWorks Green Bay.
6. Unless noted, Primary Mortgage Lender Guidelines must be followed per the NeighborWorks Green Bay policy. Contact us for more information.
7. All income eligibility requirements are determined by using the Area Median Income chart for Brown County shown below (subject to change).
8. Buyer to submit annual residency and insurance verification.

 Click Picture to Enlarge

2018 Neighborworks Guidelines for Income

Interested in applying for down payment assistance? Apply Here


Justin Scott

NMLS 878581

(920) 530-4484

909 E Walnut St

Green Bay WI