Posts Tagged ‘first time buyer’
How to make your offer STAND OUT to a seller
If you’ve spent any time looking at homes in the last two years you realize what kind of market we are in. Houses are going faster than Jimmy Johns delivery and the offers are becoming hard to beat. If you’ve had luck getting the home you want in this market congratulations, you probably spent a…
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know to Buy a Home in 2019
Buying a home is a different experience from person to person. Everyone handles the responsibility of applying, searching and closing in their own way. It doesn’t matter how much research you’ve done and how many times you’ve been through it, there are still situations that leave you scratching your head saying “Now I know”. Regardless…
Read MoreAre You Saving For a Down Payment?
Saving can be difficult and it can be overwhelming. When there are so many demands for your hard earned cash everyday, whether it be children, rent or maybe the car broke. It’s easy to spend your money but very hard to save it. This can be why so many Americans are having to put home…
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