Did you know that interest rates are lower now than they were during the great depression?  That is right, rates are lower now than the worst economic time in America’s history.  So, if you’ve been on the fence about buying a home or refinancing, maybe you should consider acting now. With 30 year fixed rates…

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With the recent pandemic taking it’s toll we’ve seen conventional financing at all time high.  This is because government lending is having difficulty getting guarantees.  The government backed loans like FHA, VA and USDA have restricted their credit score requirements in an effort to curb risky lending.  This has caused more borrowers to lean towards…

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The term “COVID-19” is now a household name and will likely be for many years to come, synonymous with terms like “influenza”.  There has been a dramatic turn in the economy and everyone is victim in some way.  Whether your employer is laying people off or adjusting to having employees work from home, it’s a…

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Everyone is feeling the effects of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, the virus has caused uncertainty in the financial markets and anxiety in peoples personal lives.  There are many theories about why such precautions are being taken, and the simple fact is we are in un-chartered waters; there is no protocol for what we are experiencing.…

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2020 has already been very interesting.  The outbreak of the infamous “COVID-19” virus has influenced financial markets in a way no one has ever seen before.  The initial outbreak caused a dramatic dip in the stock market, which caused a decrease in the bond market, thus lowering interest rates to a point we haven’t seen…

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Mortgage rates fall yet again, after the 2nd cut in 2019 we are experiencing another drop in January 2020.  This is setting some government rates below 3% for a 30 year fixed.  That is unheard of since 2016. There is speculation that the reason for this drop in rates is the focus on the Wuhan…

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Its no secret that rates rose in October, even after the Federal Reserve’s rate cut in July AND September.  All is not lost though, rates are still a considerably lower than they were last year, which suggests we may see this wave of cheaper money ride out the remainder of 2019.  It’s difficult to say…

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There has been quite a bit of talk about the Federal Reserve cutting rates again.  With the last decade being substantially lower than they have been for many years, some are wondering why the rate cut?  When you dig into it a little more you can see the strategy behind it. We are experiencing an…

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The Federal Reserve just conducted their 4th meeting of 2019.  These meetings discuss the direction of our financial policy and directly influence mortgage rates.  Over the last few years the reserve has kept rates low with a few rises here and there.  The goal has been to maintain the economy in the steadiest way possible. …

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There has been a lot of movement in the market over the last week, we saw rates drop lower in a single week then we saw them in almost 10 years.  There is a lot of speculation why such a drop may have occurred, but many believe it has to do with the federal reserve…

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