There are a hundred places you can get a mortgage loan, some you probably know about (I.E banks and credit unions) and some you are unfamiliar with.  The beautiful part about the variety?  It is your choice.  If you’ are reading this the chances you are shopping around (which is a good thing) So why choose us?

Why people use a bank or credit union

I think the simplest answer to this question is because they are unaware of their options.

Banks are a great place to get a mortgage loan because of the relationship you have with them.  Your bank probably does car loans, savings accounts, investments and much more.  If you have a lot invested with your bank (a good history) you should probably hear what they have to say when it comes to your mortgage.

Credit unions are similar to banks  with the relationship, they can do unique things with their money that other mortgage companies cannot, but they don’t always offer the best long term 30 year fixed mortgages.

Mortgage Bankers

Mortgage Banks are companies that just do mortgages.  They do not do checking accounts, car loans or credit cards. For that reason they are competitive and you get a better level of service (in my opinion)


Mortgage Broker


You already know you can get a mortgage from your bank or credit union, and now you know about mortgage banks.  The mortgage broker. only focuses on mortgages, but they are often independent companies.  They specialize in finding deals across several lenders , it’s like that lending tree commercial where you can let banks compete for your business

Shop around

Like I said earlier, if you’re reading this you’re probably shopping.  I know our rates and costs are extremely competitive,.  Aside from being able to match or beat your other quotes, there is a superior level of customer service that people appreciate.  Most real estate business is done in the evenings and weekends, so having a qualified loan officer available  is very helpful.


What Can I Do Now?

You can Sign up for mortgage rates here

Read the About me section and learn more about how I conduct business

reviews are a great way to see who you are dealing with

if all that checks out you can apply here

Justin Scott

NMLS 8758581