One of the most common issues I’ve heard clients say when they’re shopping for a home is:

“The mortgage part of this is so overwhelming, I just want to know I’m getting the best deal”

It’s a fair concern to have when you’re spending a large sum of money and you don’t understand the process or terminology.

One of the first decisions that you will make is who to work with for your mortgage.  You have plenty of options ranging from Big Banks to little mortgage companies like mine.  They all come with different benefits as well.  So a question you might ask yourself is:

“What is the most important thing about this to me?”

This is loaded questions because you may not know what is the most important thing to you.  Obviously you know you want a low rate and low cost, but there are aspects of the process you haven’t experienced yet that will have an effect on your decision…..later.   So in an effort to explain this better I’ve put together a list of  questions you might want to ask yourself before making a decision:

Are The Following Things Important To Me?

  1. Is Customer service important to me?
  2. Is my schedule capable of having several meetings outside of work during typical 9-5 hours?
  3. How important is it that I get the lowest rate? ( Sign up for rates here)
  4. How important is the lowest cost to me?
  5. Do I have to pay points?  (what are points?)
  6. What is mortgage insurance and do I need it?
  7. When Should I begin looking for a home?
  8. What are the benefits of using a real estate agent?
  9. How Important are reviews?
  10. Am I a first time homebuyer? Are there resources available to me?
  11. How many years do you want your mortgage to be?

Likely you gave the obvious choices to most of the above questions, in that case you may want to consider working with a mortgage broker.  For the simple reason that you will be provided the very best rate and cost with the very best service available.  Different from a big bank or credit union, mortgage brokers are independently motivated to provide these things because they are in direct competition with the banks.

Here is a video that explains it:

As you can see a mortgage broker will work around your schedule while providing you with the very best in rate and cost.  Personally it’s a very simple decision, if you want the best deal with the best service you want to work with someone who is motivated to provide that.

Which Mortgage Broker Should I Work With

Reviews are usually the best method to determine who you want to work with, that or a referral from a trusted real estate agent or friend.  Our Company has been a family owned, independent brokerage for 23 years, and we’ve built a reputation on the best deal and best service, I really cannot preach that enough.  When making a large investment like a car, you typically shop around a few dealerships right?  You should practice the same thing with your mortgage.

What Can I Do Now?

You can Sign up for mortgage rates here

Read the About me section and learn more about how I conduct business

reviews are a great way to see who you are dealing with

if all that checks out you can apply here

Justin Scott

Loan Officer

NMLS 878581

  1. C) 920-530-4484
  2. O) 920-490-8823
  3. F) 920-490-8967

Executive Mortgage

NMLS 271650

909 . E Walnut Street

Green Bay WI 54301