Let’s face it, Christmas can be an expensive time of year, and with incomes already stretched razor thin we could all use a few tips on how to save money.  You’ve probably completed most of your online shopping, but here are a few ideas to save on that list minute stuff.

It’s the thought that counts

We’ve all heard this before, that’s because it’s true.  A well thought out present means more than an expensive one.

Slow down on other spending (Just this month)

We could all stand to ease up on frivolous spending,  But this month especially.

Spend less on excess

Assess what you’re actually spending your money on, do you send pointless cards out to people you don’t even talk to? To you have an annual expenditure you always buy just because your family did it (even though it doesn’t mean much to you).  These are ways to cut cost by cutting certain traditions.

Use old gift cards

No, don’t regift them.  But use them to purchase items for this Christmas.

Sell old stuff

We all have so many items we don’t use anymore, ever heard that saying “one mans trash is another mans treasure?” .  Selling old items may free up some spending money for new items and contribute to someone else’s Christmas.

Make a list (stick to it)

Just like grocery shopping, make a list and STICK TO IT.  We can spend so much extra money on impulse items.  Every little bit adds up and puts you further into debt.

Shop Around

Stick to your list and price compare items.  This helps if you’re shopping early.

Don’t shop at the mall

The mall is a going to cost you more than you expect, having access to impulse items and the constant barrage of advertising, you will likely spend more than you anticipated.


The Take Away

Don’t get lost in old Christmas traditions and don’t spend more than your comfortable with.  People sometimes lose sight of the true meaning of this Holiday.  It’s not about how much money you spend but rather how much time you spend on someone.  Enjoy your holiday and have a safe NEW YEAR!.

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