Around 30% of the U.S Population have a credit score that is considered “poor”.  That is below 620.  That means nearly a 1/3 of the population may consider themselves ineligible to get a home mortgage.  While it’s better to have a higher credit score, it is possible to get a mortgage with a credit score…

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THERE IS LIFE AFTER BANKRUPTCY Part of the anxiety for anyone filing bankruptcy is the concern about his or her financial future post-bankruptcy. However, by taking proper and pro-active steps you can put yourself on the road to financial recovery and an ever-improving credit score. A Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing is not…

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You may have been looking at houses recently, so you’ve walked into some that are beautiful and some that are………not for you.   I threw together 25 photos from those houses that you put on your “nope list”.                       Did we go back to the Victorian Age? …

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It’s been clear over the last 10 months that mortgage rates are surging upwards in the face of the improving economy.  Stock markets are doing better (minus the small dip last week) and housing prices have leveled out.  Unemployment is down to 3.7%, which is the lowest it’s been in 10 years.  Those of you…

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Hello everyone, This is the very first blog on my new website and I thought about what the most appropriate topic would be. Because my website is all about branding and information for my clients, I thought the best topic would be why Executive Mortgage may be the best fit for you. First, executive Mortgage…

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