You may have been looking at houses recently, so you’ve walked into some that are beautiful and some that are………not for you.   I threw together 25 photos from those houses that you put on your “nope list”.



Did we go back to the Victorian Age?   I hope the dolls don’t come with the house….

Got to love those nice finishes to make you feel at home.

Grandpa Approves of this listing. Do you?

This must have been before drones were a thing.


For the couple that wants to share everything.

Pretty sure this is where they filmed the Saw movies.

Are you buying Buckingham Palace?

When you’re just to busy to NOT multitask.

Hopefully they have flood insurance.  Wait, does flood insurance even cover this?

Tip:  Filters are NOT to be used for real estate photos.  I don’t care how much you like X-pro II

Ok, was this a coincidence?  Seriously.

Kinda busy up here…..

Should there be a picture of the house in this picture of a house?

This is where you put the kids when they’re bad.

Heck of a party I guess?

I am 6’3″, this would be very….confining.

I wonder what the neighbors think when they look in this window.

How many times do I have to tell you Zach, showing is at 11 am!

Think “potential” not about the unknown stain in the floor.

Yes, this is definitely where they filmed Saw.

I imagine this is what Steve Job’s room looked like

“Damnit Janet, why the fridge?”

Paparazzi in the window included in sales price